
Chapter Four

Transfield Services operates across 11 industry sectors, including oil and gas, mining and process, power, telecommunications, roads, rail and public transport, utilities, defence and facilities management. It had also opened an office in Malaysia and Dubai.

The acquisition of new assets, in 2002-2004, gave a significant boost to the company's activities. In August 2002 it acquired the balance of Collinsville Power Station, (50% from NRG), and in February 2003 expanded Townsville Power Station, both in Queensland. At the same time, the company won the BOOT Gas Fired Power Station near Collie in WA.


Page Media:

Panoramic view of Townsville power station, Queensland. Panoramic view of Townsville power station, Queensland. The control room of Collinsville Power Station, owned and operated by Transfield Services. Aerial view of Collinsville power station, Queensland.
