
Chapter Three

It is understandable that the newcomers would seek employment with Italo-Australian companies such as EPT and Transfield, which offered an environment there they could speak their language with people from their country, reminisce shared experiences, eat food familiar to them and enjoy good working conditions and plenty of overtime. Also, in the early days of the company, in order to overcome the then crucial labour shortage, it was customary for Transfield's staff to go to the wharves, at the arrival of the migrant ships, and recruit on the spot disoriented and confused newcomers.


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Silos construction in the 1960s. A Transfield boilermaker on the Mackerel oil platform at Barry’s Beach, Victoria. 1970s. Transfield celebrated long-serving staff by hosting special functions and distributing awards. 1970s. Transfield workers at Port Hedland, Western Australia.
