Transfield Holdings today sold all of its 11.3% holding in Transfield Services (ASX: TSE). At the same time, 0.4% of TSE which was owned by the Belgiorno-Nettis family and associated holdings was also sold. These sales were transacted by way of an underwritten sale to a range of institutional investors.
This decision was taken following a strategic review of Transfield Holdings’ current investment portfolio and is in line with objectives to increase diversification and liquidity.
Transfield Holdings has been a shareholder of TSE since listing on the ASX in 2001 and remains very supportive of the company and its future prospects. Transfield Holdings wishes Chairman Diane Smith-Gander, CEO Graeme Hunt and the rest of the Board and Management team at TSE every success with the business going forward.
Media Enquiries:
Stephen Bradley
+61 403 493 027